It truly takes a village. Lucky for us Bellaire is one amazing town.
Although we will be taking the time to personally thank you, we wanted to make a public post about being thankful for our community of Bellaire. The Rubber Ducky Festival couldn't be what it is without the support and help of so many. A festival like this takes a team of teams with many working parts to be as successful as it was and we are so grateful to each and everyone of you.
A special thanks to the Chamber Team and Board for their hard work, planning and support.
Bill Drollinger and The Police Department
The Bellaire DPW
The Bellaire Movie Theatre
The Riverside Marina, Kenny and His Team
The Businesses that sold tickets; The Riverside Marina, The Flying Pig, Uniquely North, Ruthies, Paddles and Pedals, Bellaire Hardware, and the ladies at the Bellaire Farmers Market.
The Boy Scouts
The River Crews
Revolution Waste
Richie Peck Parade
All Parade Participants
All volunteers who sold tickets and worked the chamber table during event.
The bands- Scott Titus & J Hobbs Music Miss Bellaire and their whole team of Girls
Vendors & Food Trucks
Rubber Ducky Mascot
Bob Felton and his Team from New Hope Community Church in Bellaire
Business Sponsorships; Chain O Lakes, Auto Body, Restoration Services, Dewitt Marina, and Papa K's
The Antrim Review for highlighting the event.
& more!
We APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU! And are thankful to each and every person who came, helped, enjoyed and raced this year! Till next year!